
Analysis of Subject Competencies Reflected in the Achievement Standards of 2015 Revised Music Curriculum

Jihye Kim
page. 33~51 / 2019 Vol.48 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2018-11-30
Revised 2019-01-12
Accepted 2019-01-25


This study aims to provide insight to the future development of music curriculum by analyzing how the music competencies are reflected in the achievement standards of the 2015 revised music curriculum. Competencies were introduced to education as a concept of general manifestation of knowledge, skill, and attitude that are needed for students to manage successful personal and social life in rapidly changing future society. In Korea, they were proposed in the form of core competencies by the 2015 revised curriculum, and thus it is necessary to discuss the subject competencies that actually consist of the core competencies.Achievement standards in curriculum describe the abilities that students should acquire through the completion of their course learning. As such, it is required to reflect the elements of competencies in the achievement standards to promote the manifestation of music competencies that are suggested by the 2015 revised music curriculum. This study set the analysis framework by dividing music competencies into knowledge, skill, and attitude, based on the definition of competencies and the sub-element-setting criteria of the European Union. The obtained implications after analyzing the achievement standards of the 2015 revised music curriculum are as follows: First, it is necessary to reflect diverse music competencies in the achievement standards.Second, research on the attitude aspects of music competencies is necessary.Third, it is required to describe the skill elements of the achievement standards in more detailed levels.

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