
Prospect and Tasks of Music Education in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era

Kyunghoon Min
page. 53~74 / 2019 Vol.48 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2018-11-30
Revised 2019-01-17
Accepted 2019-01-29


The objective of this study is to explore the meanings of music education in the perspective of the 4th industrial revolution era, and also to suggest the future direction by seeking for the possibility of its utilization in relation to the site of education. The 4th industrial revolution requires a momentum in overall areas such as society, education, and arts, which is the reason why the music education should be discussed in the aspect of the 4th industrial revolution. Under this background, this study, first, considered the concept and characteristics of the 4th industrial revolution; second, understood the possibility of overall education in the 4th industrial revolution era; and third, discussed the prospect and tasks of music education in accordance with the possibility of education. This study would be contributing to the provision of actual help for the teaching/learning process of music education in the future by providing significant implications for the future direction of music education in the 4th industrial revolution era.

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