
An Investigation of Preservice Music Teachers Experience on Microteaching: Focused on Feedback and Peer Collaboration

Jihae Shin
page. 125~144 / 2019 Vol.48 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2018-11-20
Revised 2019-01-17
Accepted 2019-01-29


The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice music teachers experience on microteaching, especially the process of feedback and peer collaboration. Twenty preservice music teachers participated in this study, and reflective journal, interview, and class recording were used as research methods. The results showed that through feedback process, participants could have an opportunity to improve teaching skills and gain confidence in teaching as well as to view their teaching process objectively. However, overcritical feedback hindered them to try new teaching ideas. Second, while observing peers classes, participants could realize the importance of teachers attitude and learn various teaching ideas from others. Third, teacher collaboration in microteaching enabled participants to broaden their perspectives on music teaching. However, immature behaviors in collaboration resulted in conflicts and dissonance among participants.

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