
Characteristics of Instrumental Activities in German Music Textbooks for Elementary Students

Dae Chang Ju
page. 145~167 / 2019 Vol.48 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2018-11-27
Revised 2019-01-12
Accepted 2019-01-29


The purpose of this present paper study is to highlight the significant teaching methods and implications of instrumental activities in German music textbooks for elementary students. Data were driven from Fidelio series for third and forth grades and RONDO 3/4 for the same grades as representative music textbooks in Germany. After providing a brief review of music instruments used in the textbooks, this paper describes the organizing patterns for instrumental lessons in the elementary music class. The result indicates that various interactions between instrumental activities and other musical activities are remarkable. The combination of multiple tasks with instrumental activities appears to be associated with supporting children who are supposed to learn systematic know-how for using music instruments instead of practicing isolated techniques. This approach is related to introducing simple musical pieces and allowing optional instruments. It is argued that the musical competences of children for the future are developed through separated instrumental lessons in elementary schools.

Keyword :


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