
Application of Cognitive Apprenticeship Method to Sogeum Classes of Korean Traditional Instrumental Music in Elementary School

Joo-Man Park
page. 17~36 / 2019 Vol.48 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-02-15
Revised 2019-04-17
Accepted 2019-05-03


This study aimed to design a Sogeum class that reflected cognitive apprenticeship learning methods in elementary school Korean traditional instrumental music classes, apply it at schools, and observe its effects. For this, it examined cognitive apprenticeship learning backgrounds to apply Korean traditional music classes through literature materials, developed a Korean traditional music class model that applies the teaching and learning principles of apprentice theory, and designed a learning method. Appropriateness of the designed class was examined by directly applying the cognitive apprenticeship learning method to Sogeum instrumental music classes for sixth grade students. Research results showed that the classes induced interest and internal motives for learning, led to active participation in class, brought changes in perception regarding new musical experiences and Korean traditional music, and were effective in improving individual playing skills and social interaction and forming positive learning attitudes.

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