
An Analysis of Arts Curriculum of High Schools in Seoul

Su-Young Bae
page. 37~59 / 2019 Vol.48 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-02-28
Revised 2019-04-19
Accepted 2019-05-03


The purpose of this study is to analyze the arts curriculum of high schools in Seoul. Of 188 general high schools, 157 schools, which publically announced the three-year curriculum of 2018 class, were selected. The status of arts curriculum by grade, the number of units of arts curriculum by school, and the opening of arts subjects were analyzed. The results were as follows: There are 78 schools (49.6%) in which the arts curriculum is organized in the first, second, and third grades, and 79 (51.4%) are organized in only one grade or two grades. 49 out of 157 schools (31.2%) organized arts subjects designated by school. Among 108 schools where students are allowed to choose arts subjects, 41 schools (26.1%) fixed the arts credits that students can take. Therefore, of 157 schools, 90 schools have limitation for students in selecting the arts subjects.

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