- Young Mee Kim
- page. 49~72 / 2019 Vol.48 No.3
The purpose of this study was to design a student-centered learning and action learning lesson plan that is applicable to current classrooms. The researcher collaborated with four music teachers - in two week intervals from May, 2019 - to study the theoretical and practical aspects of student-centered learning and action learning. They developed student-centered activities and tasks and implemented into classroom lessons. Participating teachers autonomously chose the subjects of the lessons. To create a student-centered learning environment, they developed and incorporated music activities such as playing instruments, musical performance based on action learning project, and listening activities. This study examined the teaching method, instruction, and classroom activities and tasks for student-centered learning. The main results are summarized as follows: First, implementing this new approach, student-centered learning, promoted high level of student engagement and students’ motivation and interest about the music lesson. Second, unlike teacher-centered instruction, student-centered allowed students to be reflective thinkers and be active in their learning.
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