
The Guidance Plan for Teaching Sijochang Stage by Stage by Utilizing Creative Activities

Jeong-Min Lee
page. 129~152 / 2019 Vol.48 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-04-30
Revised 2019-07-25
Accepted 2019-08-06


This research aims to propose a lesson plan for elementary school students to experience the emotional feature of slow music through various activities and to utilize Sijochang in various was in school music curriclum.First, through studying Sijochang and analyzing music sources the musical characteristics of Sijochang were analyzed and found out that Sijochang can be utilized for educational purposes to teach musical elements such as abdominal respiration, the beat structure, and the change of hanbae, and the creation of Sijo, Based on the findings, three learning stages were developed in order to experience in depth through creative activities. Each, thus total of nine classes were developed. However, it can be also reconstructed into three classes.The first. “understanding stage” in the lesson plan for teaching Sijochang prepares for singing activity and provides students with the opportunity to understand the characteristics and the background of the song by using landscape painting and reading to experience scholar culture, and through storytelling to search in order to search melodies. The second, “activity stage” materializes the objective to sing Sijochang by using the principle in beat structure to allow students to make lyric rhythm and to experience musical features. The third. “internalized stage” encourages students to engage in creative activity to put their ideas and emotions into singing in order to understand the musical philosophy of Sijochang and the principles of songs. And, it allows the students to compare from various perspectives through presentation and evaluate their works.Through this study, it is expected that students will be able to enjoy Sijochang in their everyday life through finding meaningful musical elements in interesting Sijochang activity. And we look forward to the active use of Sijochang in the educational field.

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