
The development of teaching program of music in everyday life by applying soundscape

Jin-Ho Choi
page. 197~216 / 2019 Vol.48 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-05-31
Revised 2019-07-25
Accepted 2019-08-15


The purpose of this study is to develop teaching program, aspect of music in everyday life as a part of the objectives of curriculum of music education, by applying soundscape which improves sound environment through analyzing music and sound. Nowadays, the concept of soundscape has been already applied in many areas such as music, art, environment and etc. and soundscape uses for evaluating of various sound environment.To accomplish the goal, this study examined the concept and definition of the soundscape, linked it with the field of life in the music curriculum, and presented an example of the lesson plan for music using the soundscape concept. Through this study, it would be possible for music teachers to have teaching methods that let students recognize the sound environment they live in, understand the function and role of music in their lives, and help improve their musical life.

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