
A Study on the Competency Enhancement of Music Teacher

Misook Kim
page. 25~48 / 2019 Vol.48 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-08-30
Revised 2019-10-04
Accepted 2019-10-29


The purpose of this study was to suggest the direction for empowering the competency of music teachers based on the viewpoint of in-service music teachers prior to fostering students’ core competencies by 2015 revised curriculum. Researcher conducted FGI (focus group interview) with secondary music teachers to investigate their thoughts and opinions. The conclusions of the study were as follows. First, the concept of music competencies was needed for defining clearly. Second, from the perspective of the music teacher, it should be provided for the practical operation policies and participatory instruction plans. Finally, the direction of re-education for development of competency based on the teaching abilities required by music teachers should be prepared, and vocation in-service training and promotion based on competencies should be strengthened.

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