
A Study on the Educational Use of Creative Rap as Character Education

Seokyung Kim, Su-Young Bae
page. 49~69 / 2019 Vol.48 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-08-31
Revised 2019-10-03
Accepted 2019-10-29


The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of educational use of creative rap as character education. Rap music education may be an effective way of character education since it fulfills the needs of youth s self-expression and communication and makes youth s culture absorbed within the curriculum thus enables character education as ‘prāxis’ linking to their lives. This study first examines the theoretical background of character education and rap music, then explores the possibility of educational use of creative rap as character education, and finally suggests a teaching method for rap music education as character education.

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