
Educational Exploration and Reflection of the ‘Music and Occupation’ in Daily Life Domain

Jheehyeon Kim
page. 95~119 / 2019 Vol.48 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-08-31
Revised 2019-10-02
Accepted 2019-10-24


The purpose of this study is to explore the educational significance and meaning of ‘music and occupation’ among the elements of content in the ‘daily life’ domain of the high school general selection Music subject according to the 2015 Revised National Music Curriculum in Korea. For this purpose, this study deals with the meaning of work and occupation, the development process of vocational and career education, and the role of subjects-related career education. Next, it looks into the music career’s trends and prospects. And it analyzes the curriculums and textbooks of music, based on the results, it presents the core contents of ‘music and occupation’ that can be applied to music classes properly, so that they can be used in classes. This study found that students could develop a proper understanding and values of their work and be more interested in music through music and occupation exploration. Therefore it suggests that music teachers be able to accept and teach music classes from a broader perspective through subjects-related career education with music curricula.

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