
A Study on Improvement of Korean Folk Song(yugjabaegi-tori) Notation and Contents in Elementary Music Textbooks

Hey Jung Kim
page. 147~160 / 2019 Vol.48 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-05-31
Revised 2019-10-02
Accepted 2019-10-29


The purpose of this paper was to point out the problems of the contents of the textbook on music in elementary school and to suggest ways to improve it. The contents of the discussion are as follows. First, yugjabaegi-tori is the scale of Mi-La-do--do-Si-Ra-Mi , and information related to cadence and expression should be written. Yugjabaegi-tori is plagal modes. So the song always ends with la. Second, the skeletal sound of the yugjabaegi-tori is ‘Mi’, ‘Ra’, ‘do’. Third, this scale must represent both ‘do’ and ‘Si’. Fourth, the floating sound should be drawn in the form of floating evenly. Fifth, an intuitive explanation is sufficient for the explanation of musical expressions.

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