
Ethnic Music Education in Korean Schools in China and Japan

Jong Mo Yang
page. 181~205 / 2019 Vol.48 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-08-31
Revised 2019-10-04
Accepted 2019-10-24


The purpose of this study is to understand aspects of ethnic music education in Korean schools operating in China and Japan. In this study, I analyze the songs in 18 music textbooks used by Korean schools in China and Japan. The content of the analysis is about the language, region, rhythm, scale, and songs used in Korea. The conclusions of the study are as follows. First, music textbooks of Korean schools operated in China and Japan are written in North Korean standard language(cultural language). Second, the proportion of Korean music is much higher in Japanese textbook(97.8%) than in Chinese textbook(66.6%), and in the proportion of Korean traditional music, Japanese textbook(10.1%) is higher than in Chinese textbook(7.9%). Third, Korean traditional music used in Korean schools in China and Japan is more rooted in North Korea than in South Korea. Fourth, while Korean generally uses double beats, Korean traditional music used in Korean-Japanese and Korean- Chinese schools use more single beats than double beats. Fifth, music textbooks of Korean schools in China contain 12 pieces of music, such as the songs about the Chinese flag and the national song, while the music textbooks of the Korean school in Japan rarely deal with the music of Japan. Ethnic music education can make people have same experience rather than different one, and contribute to the uniqueness of all nations. In order for the divided Koreans become one, it is necessary to find and create a single national music.

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