- Jinhong Park, Seon Hui Yeo, Gwan Ki Yun, Sungwon Yoon, Jeong Dae Lee, Euna Choi, Dae Hyun Cho
- page. 95~123 / 2020 Vol.49 No.1
This study explored the teacher awareness and on-site utilization on music textbooks for 5~6 graders in elementary school that has been used in school sites from 2019 after being developed according to the 2015 revised basic special education curriculum. For this, 26 teachers in special schools and classes were surveyed and six teachers were interviewed. Results of the study showed that teachers recognized that the special textbooks reflected the 2015 revised special curriculum well, and assessed that they effectively applied the level of disability and features of students. They suggested that the improvements for special textbooks need to reflect characteristics of various types and levels of disability, improve the legibility of the guidebooks, organize easy and interesting sanctions songs and activities, and provide electronic teaching-learning materials and use methods.
Keyword :
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