
A Study on the Content System of Arts Curriculum

Eun-Jung Lim
page. 175~203 / 2020 Vol.49 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-11-30
Revised 2020-01-01
Accepted 2020-01-18


The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents of high school arts curriculum and to propose improvements accordingly. The subjects of this study were a total of 47 arts curriculums in high school, including 7 general arts curriculum and 40 arts affiliated curriculum. The research method extracted the common structure and contents of the arts curriculum and then analyzed them of each art curriculum. The results have shown that the 2015 high school arts curriculum does not fully reflect the main focus of the 2015 revised high school curriculum and the content and characteristic in each art field. Therefore, the arts curriculum requires a re-organization of the system and contents of the arts subjects.

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