
Analysis of Relationship between Music Activities as a Leisure and Resilience

Hye-suk Lim
page. 205~227 / 2020 Vol.49 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2019-11-30
Revised 2020-01-01
Accepted 2020-01-13


The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between resilience and PTSD while investigating the effects of music as leisure activities on resilience. For this purpose, 243 firefighters from P city in Gyeonggi-do were surveyed and the results were analyzed. First, the relationship between resilience and PTSD was verified through correlation analysis. As a result, it was observed that the level of PTSD has a correlation with the level of resilience. Second, t-test was conducted in order to examine the relationship between music as leisure activities and resilience. The music appreciation activity was shown to have a significant effect on the ability to empathy and self-expansion. The instrumental performances had an effect on most factors of resilience, and vocal lessons influenced emotional control, causal analysis, communication skills, empathy, and self-extension.

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