
A Comparative Study on the Music Textbooks, ‘Music Textbook’(Daegun Secondary School, Daegu) and ‘Secondary School Music Textbook’(Dae-Sang(An Korean Acronym for the Daegu Public Commercial Secondary School), Daegu), Published during the Post-Liberation Period

Yooro Lee
page. 139~173 / 2020 Vol.49 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2020-02-29
Revised 2020-03-29
Accepted 2020-04-14


This Study aims to examine the aspects and characteristics of the music textbooks which were published in an un-authorized way during the Post-Liberation Period. For this purpose, this study used the methods of comparing and analyzing two kinds of middle school music textbooks, especially in printing, publishing, writing the notes, compiling, and lyrics of the songs. In conclusion, these two middle school music textbooks published during the Post-Liberation Period, are similar in the style of compiling, the condition of printing and publishing, and the level of transcript, etc., but they are also different in their compilers’ level of understanding of music, in putting their emphasis on secondary school music education, etc.

Keyword :


  1. Anonymous. Music textbook. Daegu. (estimated to have been published by Daegun Secondary School in 1947.
  2. Anonymous. Secondary school music textbook. Daegu: MoonYeh Publishing Company. (estimated to have been pubished by Daegu public commercial secondary school during the post-liberation period).
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