
Analytical Study on the Impact on Career Maturity of Students Majoring in Music

Sejin Park, Jongmin Ra
page. 1~27 / 2020 Vol.49 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2020-05-31
Revised 2020-07-04
Accepted 2020-07-27


This study aims to explore any differences on the career maturity(CM) of students majoring in music between/among their gender, major, grade, career after considering major satisfaction(MS), professor-student interaction(PSI), and musical self-efficacy (MSE). With 700 students majoring in music across five 4 year universities in Seoul, results are as follows. First, statistically significant positive correlations between CM and MS, PSI, and MSE exist. Second, CM between gender is statistically significant and statistically significant interactions among major, grade, and career after considering MSE exit as well. Third, CM between/among gender and career are statistically significant after considering PSI. This study has the meaning of identifying how CM of students majoring in music behaves after considering MS, PSI, and MSE and of providing the possibilities of utilizing those findings for enhancing CM.

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