
A Study on the Development of Music Education Programs for the Elderly to Improve Social Integration and Quality of Life

Bukyung Park
page. 17~51 / 2020 Vol.49 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2020-08-31
Revised 2020-10-05
Accepted 2020-10-26


The purpose of this study is to develop a music education program for the elderly that applying a lifelong education perspective to improve the quality of .the elderly learner’s life The program was developed based on the elderly music education model of the preceding study(Park, 2020), which consists of three major areas: health, cognition, and execution. To verify the program Delphi survey was conducted twice with 20 experts in 5 fields. As a result of the study, the teaching plan for psychological stability in the emotional domain of the health domain led to a high degree of fit, and the body domain had a high result value for the lesson plan for improving physical function through music and movement. In the cognitive domain, a teaching plan for memory and comprehension, and in the execution domain, a high degree of suitability was derived for social return and grandchildren education through service.

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