
Exploring the Value of Play applied to Music Classes

Jongmo Yang
page. 101~129 / 2020 Vol.49 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2020-08-31
Revised 2020-10-05
Accepted 2020-10-27


The purpose of this study is to explore the value of applying play to music classes. To this end, I jointly develop a teaching-learning course plan that applies play to music classes, and in the process, the meaning, value, and development method of play were investigated through expert group interviews. The conclusion of the study obtained through discussion is as follows.First, the necessity of applying play to music classes is recognized, and the importance of the aesthetic value of music activities must be maintained. Second, the application of play to music classes requires continuous development efforts and collaboration between music theory experts and teachers. Third, the educational usefulness of applying play to music classes is determined by the inclusion of the concept of music, the participation of students, and the degree of the elements of the competition.

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