
Consideration and Suggestions for Elementary School Music Teacher’s Difficulties

Hyun-su Lee
page. 203~229 / 2020 Vol.49 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2020-08-31
Revised 2020-10-08
Accepted 2020-10-28


The purpose of this study is to look for an alternative to the findings by examining the difficulties experienced by teachers who are in charge of music subjects. In-depth interviews with elementary school teachers who worked at two schools for 12years were used as the main material. Results, problems were considered the assignment of elementary school music teacher, individual professionalism, prejudice, between bosses, between student. As an alternative suggestion for these, improvement for practical working conditions of music teachers, support of instructional equipment and making class, development and use of lectures or training programs on the specificity for importance of music subjects to improve the prejudice of general teachers, discussed the manager‘s involvement in macro-level of classes, change effort music class atmosphere, homeroom teacher co-operative coaching situation was discussed.

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