
Analysis on Cases and Teachers Awareness of ‘Pleasant Life’ Class Centered on Music Activities

Minha Kim
page. 19~50 / 2021 Vol.50 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2020-11-27
Revised 2021-01-06
Accepted 2021-02-04


This study aimed to analyze the class cases of Pleasant life relating to music activities and teachers awareness of ‘Pleasant Life’ classes. Three teachers were selected and interviewed and their classes were observed. After the observation, several characteristics were categorized into: Reconstitution of music activities according to learning theme and achievement standard, development of music activities focusing on the subject competencies, composition of music-oriented lessons that reflect students interests and characteristics, and expansion of music activities linked to other subjects. Furthermore, the interviews with the teachers revealed their knowledge and experience regarding the reorganization of theme learning, their strategies to teach subject competencies, positive awareness and feeling of burden regarding the management of making lessons, their effort to improve the effects of theme learning linked to other subjects, and their effort to link theme learning to music curriculum and problems in practical application.

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