
Analysis of Musical Creativity and Convergence Thinking Competency Applied to 2015 Revised Middle School Music Teacher s Guidebooks

Geunhye Yu
page. 81~103 / 2021 Vol.50 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2020-11-30
Revised 2021-01-14
Accepted 2021-01-31


This study exploreed the direction and learning activities of music education for the development of creative convergence thinking by analyzing musical creativity convergence thinking competency and the aspect of creativity convergence activities applied to middle school music teacher’s guidebooks. To this end, the frequency of creativity convergence thinking competency applied to middle school music teacher’s guidebooks was analyzed by setting the areas, functions, achievement standards, music elements, and related subjects of music curriculum as analysis criteria. As a result of the study, the frequency of application of ‘making music’ was the highest, and the frequency of creativity convergence activities related to playing instruments and everyday life was low, so it was found to be necessary to actively utilize. In addition, it was revealed the necessity of research on developing lesson plan on linking musical form and creativity convergence thinking capacity and also on relating with other subjects other than art subjects.

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