
Utilizing Body-Percussion in Music Class

Hyun-Su Lee
page. 131~154 / 2021 Vol.50 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2020-11-27
Revised 2021-01-06
Accepted 2021-02-04


The purpose of this study is to find a method that can be used in various forms by applying body-percussion to students in music class. As a result, body-percussion can be used the melody transformed into a body-percussion at the beginning of the class. Body-percussion can use a small body sound like a small concept and a loud sound as a strong concept. Also include abstractive subjects such as noise or personality. Body-percussion can accompany popular music and apply rondo form. Additionally, it improvises sounds that ambiguous to symbolize according to classroom conditions.

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