
Gayageum Class Development Using Smart Gayageum Application Applying Systematic Design of Instruction

Kyoungtai Kim, Jiyeon Jeong
page. 1~20 / 2021 Vol.50 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2021-02-26
Revised 2021-04-06
Accepted 2021-04-26


The purpose of this study is to develop a Gayageum activity class using a Smart Gayageum application by applying Dick and Carey s systematic design of instruction and verify its effectiveness. The ARCS model was applied to improve learners motivation for learning, and the Gayageum and a Smart Gayageum application that can be used in online class was used as a teaching tool. After applying the developed class to A middle school over eight classes, a survey of 72 students showed that the gayageum class was fun, engaging, and informative. They answered that the use of a Smart Gayageum was helpful, and the class was enjoyable because they could practice gayageum anywhere. The teacher who conducted the class replied that the use of Smart gayageum made it possible to teach one instrument per person so that the learner could have a practical musical experience and that it had a positive effect on learning the real Gayageum.

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