
Exploring the Possibility of Harmonica Education in Elementary Schools

Misook Kim, Meeyeon Lee
page. 21~37 / 2021 Vol.50 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2020-11-30
Revised 2021-01-14
Accepted 2021-04-26


The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of the harmonica education that students can easily access and play without difficulty in elementary school. As a result of the study, the harmonica is small in size, so it is good to carry, and it can be made easily by exhaling and drinking without difficult techniques and methods. Since the score of the harmonica is a number score, it is possible to play without having a high level of musical ability. Dealing with a variety of harmonicas can gradually raise the level and play the original song instead of an easily arranged song, making it an instrument that can be learned from elementary school students to adults. In addition, it has been confirmed that harmonica education is effective instrumental learning that achieves satisfactory results for teachers and students, and since harmonica education is possible in elementary schools, active education should be conducted.

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