
Current Status and Actual Conditions of Elementary School Music Rooms and Music Teachers in Gunsan City

So Yeon Yu
page. 89~116 / 2021 Vol.50 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2021-02-19
Revised 2021-04-02
Accepted 2021-04-18


This study aims to understand the actual conditions of elementary school music rooms and music teachers in Gunsan City and to raise awareness of the importance of the music education environment. For this reason, we grasped the actual situation of 58 elementary schools and music teachers in Gunsan City, and had an in-depth interview with five elementary school teachers who worked at two or more schools with a career of five years or more. Gunsan City had less than half the ownership rate of music rooms and music teachers and had insufficient music environmental factors compared to Seoul. Based on these results, the provision of an elementary school music room, assignment of a dedicated music teacher, practical music training for teachers, and raising awareness of the status of music subject should be implemented.

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