
Analysis of Illustrations of Music Textbooks for 5th-6th Grade Elementary School Students

Moonjung Yoon
page. 117~132 / 2021 Vol.50 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2021-02-28
Revised 2021-04-03
Accepted 2021-04-05


The purpose of this study was to draw attention to the research of illustrations in music textbooks to encourage further studies, and to provide basic data and suggestions for future illustration studies. For this, 1390 illustrations in 16 music textbooks for 5th-6th graders in elementary school used since 2018. To conduct this study, analysis criterion was established based on prior research, which are the content areas of music education, type, function, and purpose of illustrations. According to the results, the content area where illustrations appeared the most was appreciation. As for the types of illustration, pictures were the most, and as for the purpose of illustration, the most was to provide materials. As for the function of the illustration, illustrative was the most in the 5th grade and explanatory was the most in the 6th grade. Based on the results, suggestions were provided for further research.

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