
A Study of Plato’s Philosophy of Music Education

Seohyung Park
page. 197~220 / 2021 Vol.50 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2020-11-30
Revised 2021-02-04
Accepted 2021-02-06


This study aims to investigate and to point the way to a better understanding of Plato’s philosophy of music education. His ideas face tantalizing problems at the first stage of its realization: 1) Who gives lessons in music? 2) Who composes and plays the music? The close text analysis will show that the music education should be practiced not by musicians but by philosophers. Moreover, Plato’s view, which asserts the absolute status of music education, can provide us a firm philosophical foundation and a proper prerequisite for the self-esteem of music teachers.

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