
Research Trends of Developmental Research in International Music Education Journals

Eunsil Park
page. 79~97 / 2021 Vol.50 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2021-05-31
Revised 2021-07-03
Accepted 2021-08-03


This study analyzed developmental research papers published in international music education journals from 2011 to 2020. The journal were JRME, CRME, IJME, and POM, and the analysis categories were the number of papers by journal, research participants, research method, and research theme. As a result of the study, the JRME had the highest ratio of developmental papers by journal. There were many papers targeting elementary school students and college music major students, and infants. Experimental studies and survey studies were the most common research methods, and qualitative studies and case studies were also many conducted. In the research theme, it was found that research about cultural, environmental effects and performance skill were actively conducted.

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