
Formation and Change of Identity of Music Teacher from a Life-History Approach

Hyunsu Lee
page. 133~160 / 2021 Vol.50 No.3
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2021-05-31
Revised 2021-07-05
Accepted 2021-07-22


The purpose of this study is to examine the process of musical identity formation and change through music teacher’s musical experience. To this end, a life-history approach was chosen and in-depth interviews were conducted with two study participants. As a result, music identity was deterritorialized by changing in time and space where music experience is possible.In the growth of a musical identity, there were others who change the self, and musical relationships.Music teachers create music identity-musician identity-music educator identity through making musical relationships and the others in life. Also completes the identity of a music educator, the reason for his existence, by reprojecting past and present music experience to the students.

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