
A Study on the Application of Practical Music Education through Link Analysis between Middle and High School Special Education Curriculum and Education Policy

Yoonjeong Kang, Raehyung Kang
page. 1~24 / 2021 Vol.50 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2021-08-30
Revised 2021-09-22
Accepted 2021-10-11


This study aims to find ways to apply practical music education in special education through the linkage analysis of education policies under the 2015 revised special education curriculum and the 2020 special education operation plan. As a result of literature analysis, practical music education has the acceptability of providing diverse and equal education, subdivision of music education category, supporting career exploration and design, and opening and operating programs that reflect needs. Based on this, it was proposed to apply diversified education programs for students and teachers, revitalize practical music education in curriculum and after-school programs, and specialize in practical music education using suburban resources. As such, substantial practical music education measures should be continuously sought and implemented considering the area of disability, degree of disability, and educational conditions of students.

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