- Minje Kim, Hyearin Gong
- page. 45~69 / 2021 Vol.50 No.4
This study aims to develop a music education program for the first and second graders in elementary schools, by using dramatization of fairy tale and jukebox musical format. To this end, the study has practiced through three stages procedures, including preparation, development, and example application(pilot) for supplement and modification. The final version of the program has the following features. First, it contains the enhancement of capabilities pertaining about aesthetic sensibility, creative thinking, and communication, which are the primary capabilities for creative experiential activities and pleasant education for living. Second, there are music activities like singing, changing lyrics, and body language for the pleasant education for living. Third, the program has 30 courses (120-minute block, 10 times), mainly composed of practical and creative experiential activities, and the selection and application of study activities are possible according to the level of learners as well. This study presents new measures to teach students musicals in school with easy, and provides appropriate examples for elementary students in lower grades.
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