
A Study on Elementary School Music Assessment Plan for the Realization of Appropriate Evaluation of Students with Special Education Needs in the Inclusive Classes

Chorong Won
page. 45~70 / 2022 Vol.51 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2021-11-21
Revised 2022-01-01
Accepted 2022-01-18


The purpose of this study is to prepare a plan for students with special education needs in the inclusive classes of general schools to receive appropriate evaluation without being alienated in the assessment process. First, the stages of elementary school music evaluation execution for students with special education needs in inclusive classes were presented. In addition, various evaluation plans were presented for students with special education needs, focusing on the achievement standards of the curriculum. Through the appropriate evaluation of students with special education needs, it was suggested that the realization of inclusive education, and access to general education curriculum were possible. And follow-up studies were suggested.

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