
Comparing the Musical Identities of High School Students and College Students

Hye-Suk Lim
page. 99~118 / 2022 Vol.51 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2021-11-30
Revised 2022-01-02
Accepted 2022-01-24


The purpose of this study is to provide implications on what role music education can play to form self-identity by measuring the musical self-concept of high school and college students and understanding the process of developing musical identity between the two groups. The results of comparing changes in musical identities with age are as follows. First, both groups showed high musical self-concept in non-academic aspects of mood management. Second, college students showed a higher musical self-concept in musical ability, and high school students recognized musical self to find social identity in community. Third, both groups showed low musical self-concepts in physical aspects such as movement and dance. Fourth, high school students have a higher level of adaptable musical self than college students, indicating that their musical identity also undergoes changes in adolescence, and they grow into adults and mature.

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