
A Study on Universal Accessibility of School Art Education in Korea

Eun-Jung Jung, Yong Hee Kim, Young Mee Kim, Su-Young Bae, Young Joo Park, Jheehyeon Kim
page. 119~136 / 2022 Vol.51 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2021-11-30
Revised 2022-01-02
Accepted 2022-01-17


This study reviews and analyzes the policies behind art education in schools, created by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to establish universal accessibility of art education in schools. It dives deep into the meaning behind the policies, the content for the main supported projects, period, and target schools by field. The main topics discussed about ‘universal accessibility’ are as follows. First, it is necessary to reconcile the differences between the terminology usage by the Ministry of Education’s ‘art education’ and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism’s ‘culture and arts education’, so that the name and contents of the support project do not overlap. Second, there needs to be equal support and opportunities for projects given to art education in schools. Third, policies need to establish a systematic way to track project progress and continue operations through established communication. Fourth, it is necessary to review the qualitative growth regarding the school arts education policies. In conclusion, to increase universal accessibility in school art education, art education needs to be implemented within the school curriculum, with the cooperation of related departments, connectivity and continuity of support projects, and qualitative and quantitative growth.

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