- Song-ie Park
- page. 47~74 / 2022 Vol.51 No.2
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between teacher support perceived by students, self-efficacy, and motivation for music learning in the elementary music classroom, and to verify the mediating effect of self-efficacy. For this purpose, 301 students from 4th to 6th grades of the elementary schools in Seoul and Incheon were analyzed using questionnaires a test tool for perceived teacher support, self-efficacy, and motivation for music learning. As a result, first, teacher support perceived by students directly positively affects students' motivation to learn music and also has a positive effect by using self-efficacy as a parameter. Second, teacher support perceived by students has a positive effect on students' musical self-efficacy. Third, students' musical self-efficacy has a positive effect on their music learning motivation.
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