
A Search for Music Teachers’ Learning Community Management Plan to Enhance Their Expertise: Based on Focus Group Interview and IPA Matrix Analysis

Young Hoo Kim
page. 115~146 / 2022 Vol.51 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2021-12-01
Revised 2022-02-10
Accepted 2022-02-10


This study aims to analyze the involvement of music teachers in Seoul in the learning community and search for a plan to manage and support the community for enhancement of their expertise in musical education. For this, the current involvement of 120 music teachers in Seoul was investigated, FGI was conducted targeting 15 people, including head teacher, general teacher, and professor, and frequency analysis, cross-analysis, and IPA matrix analysis were performed with the use of SPSS 21.0. The main results are as follows. First, there was a significant difference in recognition of the necessity for learning community, involvement in the community depending on the type of school where the music teachers work, their education, and their age. Second, according to the results of IPA (Importance and Performance Analysis), cooperation and communication, emotional support, and lateral leadership sharing between teachers were found to be the core elements that need to be continued and maintained, and learning environment support and reflux of academic achievement need of improvement. Third, it was identified that the reflux needs to be strengthened through the ways such as teacher’s concerts, lesson sharing, and musical education portals. This study is expected to contribute to enhancing the quality of music classes and improving music teachers’ expertise based on its multilateral analysis of the current conditions of the music teachers’ learning community.

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