
Development of a Conceptual Model for Musical Instrument Major Secondary Students' Performance Error Management

Seulgi Kwon
page. 25~53 / 2022 Vol.51 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2022-08-19
Revised 2022-09-29
Accepted 2022-10-17


The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual model of lesson for performance error management(PEM) of middle school instrument majors. Performance error management is the ability to manage errors with a flexible and emotionally relaxed attitude during performance situations, and to correct errors quickly and systematically. It is necessary to the middle and high school students majoring in classical music performance who feel their mistakes on the stage are fatal. As a result, 5 components of PEM(awareness improvement, performance motivation, error articulation, task strategy, management self-creation), 13 lesson principles, and 48 specific strategies to improve PEM were derived. and their relationship was structured and specified in this model.

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