
Preservice Elementary Teachers' Belief about Elementary Music Instructional Goals

Moonjung Yoon
page. 143~159 / 2022 Vol.51 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2022-08-28
Revised 2022-09-30
Accepted 2022-10-24


This study examined preservice elementary teachers' beliefs toward elementary music instructional goals, and analyzed statistically whether there was a difference in beliefs according to grade and number of music classes taken. Participants(n=432) were asked to answer survey questions regarding elementary music instructional goals and the importance of music in elementary curriculum. According to the results, one person answered that music is the most important subject, and most participants answered that important elementary music goals were to develop self-expression and creativity. The belief in the overall elementary music instructional goals tended to be lower as the grade increased and the number of music subjects taken increased. With results, implications and suggestions for the development of music education and follow-up research were offered.

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