
Our Music as Constituent Parts in Korean School Music

Dae Chang Ju
page. 161~186 / 2022 Vol.51 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2022-08-06
Revised 2022-10-02
Accepted 2022-10-11


Though music curricula have been revised at intervals in Korea, the so-called ‘our music’ remains one of the controversial issues relating to the school music reform. The term causes conceptional imprecision and educational confusion when teachers use the terms ’our music’ and Gugak interchangeably. This study investigates the transition of meaning of Gugak in historical context to examine its propriety in school music. According to investigation, Gugak does not indicate ‘our music’ precisely and does not show how to inspire the Korean national spirits. Futhermore, it is uncertain what ‘our music’ stands for exactly. In conclusion, the researcher makes a suggestion that students should independently determine their music in perspective of future-oriented competency.

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