
Exploring the Direction of Music Education for Communication in the Post-Truth Era: Focusing on Nussbaum's Theory of Emotion

Jin Kyong Choi
page. 187~211 / 2022 Vol.51 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2022-08-19
Revised 2022-09-28
Accepted 2022-10-25


This study starts from the awareness of the problem that our society today is going through a post-truth era that relies on emotions and personal beliefs rather than objective facts.Behind the post-truth is 21st-century digital communication, which interferes communication between communities by strengthening connections between people who share similar emotions and thoughts.The researcher explores what the direction music education should take for effective communication in the post-truth era based on Nussbaum's theory of emotion, which regards emotions as thoughts.According to Nussbaum, emotions have a narrative structure, and art can provide a platform for communication by connecting emotions and thoughts through narrative imagination. Therefore, music education should be conducted in a direction that can nurture narrative imagination. In order to achieve this, internal and external knowledge of music, diversity and balance of musical pieces in textbook, and three-dimensional music learning activities should be organically integrated.

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