
The Direction of Music Education as Culture and Arts Education from a Contemporary Aesthetic Perspective

De Chang Ju, Yoon Hee Seo, Sun Young Park, Mi Seol Choi
page. 79~101 / 2023 Vol.52 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2023-02-28
Revised 2023-04-04
Accepted 2023-04-25


This study examined the aesthetic viewpoints of Heidegger, Benjamin, Adorno, and Lyotard in order to present a criterion of logical suitability to promote music subject education as cultural arts education. Conclusions are following. First, subjective self-awareness must be developed through convergence and complex art activities using new perception methods and various technological media. Second, existence of learners and instructors should not be concealed by finding ways to artistically utilize technology that is faithful to the essence of art, and through this, learners should not sink into the convenience of technology. Third, it is necessary to cultivate a new music culture that does not settle for the existing one by fostering a critical eye through aesthetic thinking. Fourth, students' artistic experiences should be shared and enjoyed from a pluralistic point of view.

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