
A Study on the Music Textbook Analysis and Teacher Perception in Elementary Music Career Education

Song ie Park
page. 209~234 / 2023 Vol.52 No.2
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179
Received 2022-11-30
Revised 2023-02-28
Accepted 2023-02-28


This study suggests the direction of music and career education by investigating elementary school teachers' perceptions of music and career education based on the analysis of career education contents in the 2015 revised elementary school music textbooks for grades 5 and 6. To this end, 16 music textbooks were analyzed according to the four areas of the Ministry of Education's 2015 School Career Education Goals and Achievement Standards, and a survey was conducted on music and career education among 162 elementary school teachers. The results showed 212 cases of career education in the textbooks, with the highest proportion in the area of ‘understanding work and the world of work.’ Most teachers felt the need for music-related career education. They expected the development of career guidance programs using various media and experiential learning, as well as career learning materials in music textbooks. In addition, it is essential to increase students' interest and motivation in music, and it is necessary to guide music-related learning paths after elementary school.

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