
P. M. Zeltner’s Suggestions for Understanding of John Dewey’s Aesthetic Experience

Gi-Su Kim
page. 1~18 / 2023 Vol.52 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


P. M. Zeltner was a John Dewey aesthetician who greatly enhanced his understanding of Dewey's aesthetic experience. He argues that Dewey's aesthetics represent naturalistic metaphysics, and in Dewey, organic humans and music result in the existence of ‘of nature’, ‘in nature’, and ‘by nature’. From this point of view, music is defined as containing the mysterious things of nature, that is, the metaphysical things of nature. Aesthetic experience is a key concept of Dewey aesthetics and a medium for restoring continuity between daily life and art. Dewey introduces everyday aesthetic experiences as ‘an experience’. Zeltner argues that this an experience is an aesthetic experience “as a convergent completion,” and that all experiences in everyday life become an aesthetic experience as well as an experience when they have aesthetic structures and properties. Zeltner suggests dividing ‘an experience’ into a primary phase of aesthetic experience and an intentionally cultivated phase of aesthetic experience for understanding Dewey’s aesthetic experience. However, these two phases have a continuity that can never be separated.

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