
The Analysis of the Connections between Elementary School Integrated Subject and 3rd-grade Music Subject: Focusing on the Music Pieces

Songie Park, Sohyung Park, Jisu Han
page. 19~44 / 2023 Vol.52 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study was to analyze the connections between elementary school integrated subject and 3rd-grade music subject by focusing on the common music pieces in textbooks reflecting the 2015 revised curriculum. A total of 14 music pieces were analyzed by applying the following criteria for connection analysis: ‘Unrelated’, ‘Repetition’, ‘Expansion’, ‘Advanced’, and ‘Developed’. The results of the study showed that all 14 music pieces were presented as various scores in the integrated textbook, but all of them were presented as staff notation in the third grade textbook. In addition, the most common Musical elements and concepts presented in the common music pieces were ‘Jangdan(Rhythm Cycle), Se of Jangdan(Accent of Rhythm Cycle)’ in 10 cases and ‘Beats, Measure’ in 6 cases. When comparing the main learning activities, the number of the common music pieces with ‘Advanced’ and ‘Developed’ level of connections through expanding musical concepts was the highest at 7 music pieces, followed by 4 music pieces with varying levels of connections and 3 music pieces with low connections. Through this study, we hope to lead to a concrete discussion of appropriate music subject curriculum connections for grade-level transition textbooks.

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