
A Study on the Development and Distribution of Music Educational Contents as Overseas Aid Activities in the case of Uganda

Euna Choi, Byoung Hun Yang
page. 239~258 / 2023 Vol.52 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


Developing educational contents as overseas aid activities at the civilian sectors means creating lesson plans, PPTs, videos, etc. for students in poor countries or underprivileged areas. The development of music- educational contents is meaningful as a way for music education to contribute to the educational equity that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to achieve. In this context, this study aimed to explore the development and distribution of music-educational contents for primary school students in Uganda, one of the developing countries. We focused on local appropriateness in Uganda, emotional and social development of students, and support for teachers' teaching capacity and students' initiative. We developed the 16 sessions of the music education contents based on songs with simple melodies and forms, play activities, alternative instrumental activities using body percussion or surrounding objects, video-centered contents, and specific and step-by-step guidance of the lesson process. In order to distribute and spread the developed music-educational contents, it is necessary to do continuous efforts from a long-term perspective, such as conducting teacher training, forming networks, supporting equipment, and building educational infrastructure.

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