
Analysis of Music Education Research Trends for Film Music in South Korea

Soyeon Kim
page. 25~45 / 2024 Vol.53 No.1
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


The purpose of this study is to analyze the trends in film music education research and to suggest future research directions. 31 master's thesis and 5 KCI academic papers (total 36 papers) were searched for corresponding to film music education from 2013 to August 2023 in Korea. As a result of the analysis, less than 9 papers were published each year with subjects focused on middle and high school students. There were two purposes in utilizing film music: the understanding of pre-existing musical works (69.44%) and the understanding of film music (30.56%). The films used were many musical films (47.22%) and some general feature films (11.56%). As for the musical activity, theoretical lecture with appreciation (63.89%) and music creation (33.33%) were presented. Only 14 papers applied pedagogical theories and teaching methods. 7 papers utilized music and video editing programs. Therefore, it is important to increase educational interest in film music itself, and it was suggested to educate the function and role of film music and develop specific and systematic music classes centered on student-led activities.

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