
Research Trends on Improvisation in Music Education in Korea

Yoon Jeong Jung
page. 165~186 / 2024 Vol.53 No.4
e-ISSN 2713-3788
p-ISSN 1229-4179


This study aims to analyze research trends in music education related to improvisation in Korea and to provide suggestions for future research. For this purpose, this study analyzed 91 papers based on six criteria: type of paper, publication year, research topic, keywords, research subjects, and research methods. The analysis revealed that studies focusing on teaching and learning strategies for improvisation targeting elementary school students were predominant. A literature review was the most commonly used research method, while quantitative and qualitative studies were relatively scarce. Therefore, the study suggests expanding research to include subjects such as middle and high school students and music majors, studies reflecting teachers' experiences with improvisation, the development of evaluation tools for improvisation, the use of Edutech, and the increased use of quantitative and qualitative data. These proposals emphasize the need for more diverse discussions regarding research subjects, topics, and methods. Based on these suggestions, it is hoped that the quality of research related to improvisation in music education will improve.

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